
Building a wedding budget tool

Main Budget Screen

The Goal

Win back prospective couples who were explicitly searching for budgeting tools and choosing competitors.

My Role

Lead the design process, collaborate with copy, tech and product teams, execute research, user testing, etc.

Getting in the user mindset

I interviewed 5 users who were in the midst of wedding planning and actively involved in managing their budgets. Below are the themes that emerged.

Phases of the journey 🗓️

Couples describe distinct phases to budgeting: Research and education, booking vendors, coasting period, making payments.

Customization 🖌️

Every wedding is different! Every budget will flex accordingly.

Reminders ⏰

There is a large lag time between initial booking and making final payments. Most couples mentioned payment reminders as a dream feature.

Spreadsheet vibes đź“Š

Most people we spoke to used a spreadsheet for their budget because it felt comfortable and flexible.

Competitive research

I looked at a handful of budgeting tools, both wedding related and not. Most wedding specific tools did not break down to a payment level or include the ability to set reminders. Many of them also started with lots of prepopulated items that could be overwhelming to the couple.


What goes in the MVP?

In our research we identified a wide variety of pain points across the entire wedding budget journey from initial research to tracking payments in the final days. For our MVP, we decided to focus in narrowly on allowing users to do the following:

Education & research

Location-based recommendations

Guidance on budget allocation

Onboarding quiz

Locking in costs

âś… Work towards a max budget

âś… Simple tips

âś… Custom categories and items

Link to Zola vendor marketplace


Making payments

âś… Push notification payment reminders

âś… Track upcoming and past payments

Our budget model

Budget Categories

A group of budget items, some predetermined by Zola and some custom

Example: Attire, Venues and Vendors

Budget Items

One actual expense within a category that can have multiple payments attached

Example: Photographer, Photo booth


Individual payments on an item, both upcoming and paid, that can have attached reminders

Example: $1,000 due on MM/DD/YYYY

Flow chart of budget model

Our math

Some competitors used confusing math to display the amounts left or paid. We wanted our numbers to be as straightforward as possible and we worked with the copy team to create simple names and descriptions for each.

Max spend

The ceiling of your budget—AKA the amount you’d prefer not to go beyond. Edit it at any time.

Total cost

An idea of what you can expect to spend in total. We get this number by adding up everything in your cost column.

Total due

What you still have left to pay. We get this number by adding up everything in your due column.

Bar graph of your budget

Design Iteration

iteration 1: how do we show three numbers per item?

Most wedding budgets include an estimate, total and balance for each budget item. We wanted to find a way to display these numbers in a way that made them easy to compare like the spreadsheets most of our couples were currently using. After exploring these three iterations, we decided that we would remove the concept of an estimate cost from our initial system to reduce complexity.

Iteration of the designs

iteration 2: simplifying down to two numbers

Once we narrowed down to two numbers per item, we ran a user test where we asked users to compare a version of the budget that showed the numbers side by side to a version with a segmented control. We found that an overwhelming number of people preferred to see the numbers next to each other.

Iteration of the designsIteration of the designs

The Final Product

Note: This video has been updated to reflect new Zola branding as well as a few new features added after this case study was created.


exceeding our coversion goals

The budget tool became a great top of funnel offering for Zola couples. Our goal was to see a 25% conversion rate and we saw a 34% rate in the first months.

glowing reviews from users

After some time we surveyed budget tool users, most of whom gave the tool 5/5 stars. Some quotes from the survey below!

"I love that I can see a clear depiction of payments and outstanding payments with a total. I love it so far."

"It's super convenient and helpful for organization. I also like that you can leave notes on payments.”"

"It's nice to have in the same app with everything else Zola. I was using a spreadsheet before, but it wasn't convenient on the go."

continuing to invest in the budget tool

After the success of our launch on mobile, we continued to work towards launching the tool on web and finding new ways to cross-sell budget tool users into other Zola products.

Get in touch to learn more specifics on how this project performed and evolved!

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